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Do I need to complete the Online Qualifier to compete at the Torian Pro?Yes. All athletes aiming to compete at the Torian Pro must complete the Torian Pro online qualifier hosted by Competition Corner.
Is it compulsory to register for the CrossFit Open in addition to the Torian Pro Online Qualifier?No. Registration for the CrossFit Open is not compulsory. However, the Open leaderboard on the CrossFit Games site will be used by our judging team to crosscheck and verify all scores entered into Competition Corner for the Torian Pro Online Qualifier. Should any athlete choose not to register for the CrossFit Open they will be required to film all 4 qualifying workouts, with at least one workout being called on by the Torian Pro judging team to be reviewed at the conclusion of the Online Qualifier.
Can I register for more than one division of the Torian Pro Online Qualifier?Yes. An athlete may register for more than one division of the Online Qualifier. In the event an athlete successfully qualifies for more than one division they must then choose which division they will compete in at the Torian Pro. Regardless of which division they choose their scores will still stand for the online qualifier and the athlete may be replaced as long as 50% of the original team (or Pair) still remains. Please note: Competition Corner will require different emails to register across multiple divisions.
Where will the Torian Pro Online Qualifier be hosted?Competition Corner
I’m in the 50+ Masters division. What version of the CrossFit Open workouts will be used for the Online Qualifier?All athletes in the 50+ Masters division will be ranked against each other on the Competition Corner leaderboard to determine who qualifies for the Torian Pro. Athletes must perform the Open workouts ‘As Prescribed’ by the CrossFit Games website based on their respective age group. The 4th and final qualifier workout to be programmed by Torian Pro will feature the same loading and movement prescription for all athletes competing within the 50+ Masters division, regardless of age.
What workouts will be programmed for the Online Qualifier?The CrossFit Open workouts released each week will also be used for the Torian Pro Online Qualifier. In addition to the 3 Open workouts athletes will complete an additional 4th workout programmed by Torian Pro.
Do I need to film my workouts?Athletes registered for the Open are only required to film and submit their Week 4 workout for review by the Torian Pro Judging Team. Athletes who choose not to register for the CrossFit Open must film all four qualifying workouts. The Torian Pro Judging Team will randomly select at least one of these workouts for review at the conclusion of the Online Qualifier.
Can I change my team roster in the event of injury or athlete unavailability?Yes. In the event of injury or some other circumstance beyond your control Teams may substitute up to 50% of their team roster. In the event more than 50% of the original Team of 4 (or Pair) who qualified through the Torian Pro Online Qualifier is unable to compete, the team (or Pair) will be ineligible to compete at the Torian Pro.
What dates will the Online Qualifier be held?Week 1 - February 28 - March 4 Week 2 - March 7 - March 11 Week 3 - March 14 - March 18
How will workouts be scored for the Online Qualifier?Individual competitors will enter their Open score into Competition Corner each week where they will be ranked within their respective divisions. Teams and Pairs will simply enter the combined score for all team members in order to determine their total score for each workout.
Which age group division am I eligible for?At the Torian Pro athletes will compete in the same age groups divisions they are automatically placed in on the CrossFit Games site upon registering for the 2025 season. See below for an expert from section 1.10 of the 2025 CrossFit Games rulebook regarding age group eligibility: 1.10 – OPEN REGISTRATION – DIVISIONS [NEW] An athlete’s competitive division will automatically be assigned based on birthdate* and gender. The athlete’s age as of July 14, 2025, will determine which division the athlete will compete in during the 2025 season. There are 22 total divisions for individual competitors and there is one division for teams: AGE-GROUP: Boys and Girls 14-15 (Born on or between July 15, 2009 and July 14, 2011) Boys and Girls 16-17 (Born on or between July 15, 2007 and July 14, 2009) Men and Women 35-39 (Born on or between July 15, 1985 and July 14, 1990) Men and Women 40-44 (Born on or between July 15, 1980 and July 14, 1985) Men and Women 45-49 (Born on or between July 15, 1975 and July 14, 1980) Men and Women 50+ (Born on or before July 15, 1970)
How many days of competition will there be at the Torian Pro?All divisions competing at the Torian Pro will involve 3 days of competition (Fri, Sat & Sun).
Can I scale workouts for the Online Qualifier?No. Athletes must perform workouts using the RX prescription for their respective division in order to enter a valid score into Competition Corner.
Do I get to compete in the main arena?Yes! All divisions will have the opportunity to compete in the main arena. The Torian Pro features three competition arenas. Pro Individual athletes will complete all their workouts in the main Pat Rafter Arena, while all other divisions will compete primarily in our outdoor arenas, with at least two of their events taking place in the main arena.
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